About STET


We’re a small, author-run publishing company, specializing in clean Creature Fantasy for adult readers. We believe in making reading accessible and affordable to everyone.

Creature Fantasy

We publish stories that feature sapient, interesting fantasy creatures with complex societies. Our creatures are People; not monsters, mounts, pets, or children.


Many of our readers have ADHD, dyslexia, legal blindness, or other conditions that make them feel that reading is either too costly (to support the multiple formats they need. We have learned so much about what accessibility means from talking to our readers, and we strive to be accessible to everyone.

This means we won’t over-charge for content. If you need an audiobook and an e-book or physical book to follow along with, you just pay for one. If you need a large print edition, you pay the same price as the regular edition (except for the rare cases where our printer charges so much for the large print edition that we would be at a loss if we sold it at the same price).

It also means we support readers in financial hardship. We offer low-cost e-books, and our books are able to be ordered into your local library in print or digital format.

We are investing in our audiobook catalog, working towards releasing audiobook editions alongside the physical and digital editions starting in 2023.

We are looking into alternative print forms for readers, such as using Open Dyslexic for the font, and using visual clues in the text to clarify the manuscript. If you want to be a trial reader for this, please contact us at sales@stetpublishing.com.


STET currently publishes for two authors: K. Vale Nagle & Glenn Birmingham. We are expecting to branch into supporting more authors that fit our brand in the future.

At present, 100% of all book sales on the site goes to our authors and 50% of all merchandise sales.

Artists & Editors

No book is made in a vacuum. We love and need artists and editors to make our books successful. Here’s a bit about them:

  • Brenda Lyons: Brenda does the interior art for the Gryphon Insurrection series. All of those gorgeous pieces are done in graphite. She’s phenomenal! 50% of everything we make on the merchandise using her art goes to her.
  • Crafty as a Coyote: Kittrel does our marketing graphics, including our chibi hearts, and the iconography in the books. 50% of everything we make on the merchandise using her art goes to her.
  • Dustin Porta: Dustin is our developmental editor. He helps us make sure the books have good pacing, helps us trim back the wilderness, and tries to rein in some of our more zany ideas.
  • Jeff Brown: Jeff Brown does the cover art for the Gryphon Insurrection series!
  • Neal Deschain: Neal is an excellent sculptor that has produced our line of character figurines.
  • Tim Marquitz: Tim is our line editor for our books — the last stop on the editing train before it goes to readers.